Jun 5, 2014

Homeless Youth - A comparison map of Washington, King County and USA

What this map shows is the number of homeless youth in each state, the number of total youth in each state, and the percentage as a result of that data. Using only this data, Washington is ranked 13th out of all 50 states in terms of youth homelessness percentage (1 being the worst, and 50 being the best). 

Washington's neighbor to the south, Oregon, is currently ranked 1st as the state with the highest (worst) percentage of homeless youth. Arizona is currently leading the country with the best rate of .17% homeless youth. The country as a whole has a homeless youth rate of .52% [73,710,410 total youth; 380000 homeless youth (approximately)].

I have also added data about King County, which is visible as you hover over Washington state. 

Red/Salmon-colored states have the worst rates (highest), while blue states have the best (lowest). The lightest blue is the best in the country, while the darkest red is the worst in the country. Washington is colored green because the radio story that this map accompanies is based in Washington.

Nov 13, 2013

UW Alum hopes to spark conversations about race

Kimberly Harden, a moderator for the RACE: Are we
so different? exhibit at the PSC.
(Photo by Rebecca Gourley)
She never thought attending an undergraduate class would change her life, but it did.

Kimberly Harden of Kent, who is pursuing her doctorate at Gonzaga University and holds a bachelor’s in Communication from the University of Washington, says that a class on race, ethnicity and gender at UW fueled her passion for race and social justice.

Harden is a moderator for group discussions at the RACE exhibit. She is looking forward to her first group later this month. Prior to seeing the exhibit, the groups discuss current assumptions about race, and then they have another conversation after going through the exhibit.

The City of Seattle’s Race and Social Justice Initiative (RSJI) is organizing the group discussions by providing local and regional groups with trained moderators like Harden to help lead discussions about race and racism. The RSJI chose volunteers based on their comfort level talking about race and racism.

Diana Falchuk, RSJI outreach specialist, says that the facilitators’ professions vary widely, but most work with nonprofits and community organizations. Everyone has experience with race and racism discussions. Groups, also, can be any organization, employer or agency that wants to share the experience of the exhibit with their people.

As a doctoral student, Harden piloted an eight-week media literacy course at Meadowdale High School in Lynnwood in January. She is now putting together a proposal to keep the class as a part of the social science curriculum at the school.

“My first day of class, I walked in, and I had on a hoodie and jeans and was kind of looking rough,” said Harden. She said she asked the class, “Based on what you see, what are your assumptions about me?” They had a theory about where she lived, what kind of car she drove, and even how many kids she had.

The result of that experiment was that it made the students more aware of their own biases. Harden says that her class focused on race, gender and social injustices in media and tried to break down the stereotypes that media has created.

Claire Beach, 62 and a media arts teacher at Meadowdale High School, got Harden involved with the RSJI. Two facilitators are chosen for each workshop discussion, a Caucasian and a person of color. Falchuk says that they structure it this way so that every lived experience is covered. Whenever there is a conversation about anti-racism, there needs to be voices from all walks of life, she says. They don’t just want one perspective.

Beach hopes that she and Harden will be assigned to a group together because of their similar backgrounds. Beach grew up in Mississippi and remembers segregation in the South, including separate water fountains for people of color and whites. She says that people never talk about white privilege, but she hopes that the exhibit will start that conversation.

Harden’s experience with race has never taken a back seat in her life either. Her parents are from the South. To an outsider, she may be described as “African-American,” but she identifies herself as simply “American.”

“I do not like the term “African-American,” said Harden. “That’s just a label that I’m not comfortable with. I have been to Africa, but I don't really relate to that culture.”

Being comfortable, Harden says, is something that has to be inherent in talks about race. “People are uncomfortable talking about race,” she said. But, as a moderator for groups going through the exhibit, she hopes that she will be able to fuel the conversation and get people talking.

Harden also feels that racial problems have not been improving in the U.S. They have actually gotten worse since President Obama took office in 2008, she says.

With Halloween recently passing, Harden says that she sees more racism in the media in particular. This year, people, mostly white celebrities, were dressing up as black stereotypes and other famous black people. But, Harden pointed out, not a single black person dressed up as a white person. Why? It goes back to white privilege.

Harden recalled an incident in her first class at Gonzaga University in the doctoral program. It was a leadership and diversity class, and she was doing a project on racism in cinema. One classmate of hers was a white woman in her early 20s from North Carolina. When Harden gave her presentation and explained that from her perspective the movies Mississippi Burning, The Blind Side and The Help were racist, her classmate argued that Harden was wrong.

“She was livid,” explained Harden. “She said, ‘Well, I don’t understand why you’re saying that these movies are racist. Black people need our help.’ So I just let the other classmates jump in and intercede and let them run the discussion from there.”

Harden said that the heated discussion ended with the young woman from North Carolina, who was a public-speaking teacher at a community college there, breaking down in tears. She got that job, normally a master’s-required position, after graduating with her bachelor’s degree, says Harden.

Harden says the students in the class were trying to explain to the young woman that the fact that she got the job with just a bachelor’s degree highlighted her white privilege, something she was not willing to acknowledge.

“She would not look me in the eye for the rest of the term,” Harden added.

Harden feels that her experience, both professionally and personally, has helped her become a good leader and therefore a good moderator for the RACE exhibit.

She hopes that the experience will help change people’s thinking about race and give them the confidence to speak up.

“They need to have courage,” said Harden. “Courage to change, courage to speak up when they see something that’s wrong. Fear is stagnating, it’s procrastination and you’re not going to get anything done; you’re not going to change anything by being afraid.”

Oct 24, 2013

White privilege is not a thing of the past

Scott Anderson, 47, of Renton says that his race makes his
story "the dominant story."
Photo by Rebecca Gourley.
"I don’t really have a story," says Scott Anderson, a Presbyterian pastor from Renton, and an avid researcher. "It took me a while to figure out why don’t I have a story; and it’s because my story is the dominant story." 

Anderson has had exposure to most of the information in the RACE exhibit, which makes him less like other people going through it, because they may be seeing it for the first time. In particular, he is currently doing research on white privilege in his role as a pastor at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church in Renton. 

His story is different, he says. He is unsure of his ancestry because his father was adopted, and he talks about white privilege as if it's not a thing of the past, as so many like to believe.
"There is this constant drumbeat to claim that things are fair," Anderson said. He explained that because he is white, and because he is male, he can walk into a room and be himself, while people of color cannot. People that recognize themselves as Caucasian have the privilege of being free of judgment, while someone who has a darker complexion doesn't have that luxury. It may not be obvious to the average white person that this type of privilege exists, but Anderson is aware of it.
While attending seminary in Atlanta in the '90s, Anderson was recommended to a Presbyterian church in that area, Oakhurst Presbyterian Church. It was a half-white, half-black church, he said. It was integrated in a much different way than other churches around it. He became a member and later did an internship there.

"This congregation was really working intentionally to try to be with one another and share their lives together," said Anderson. "The fact is, is that church [in general] is well known that it’s one of the most segregated places in the world on a Sunday morning. So, that was such an extraordinary church," he continued. He paralleled the segregated tradition of churches throughout the country to this church, where there was no segregation. The contrast was obvious and Anderson works hard at his current church to have integration.
Anderson's experience with the RACE exhibit was more of a review of his own research notes. He knew the information, but it was good to see it from a different perspective and to see others interacting with it.

Martin Luther King Jr.'s Letter from Birmingham Jail made a point that still resonates with Anderson, "He says, 'It's never the right time.'" It's never the right time to support a controversial issue or to change the way we think about race, "but there's a conversion that has to happen," says Anderson. "It takes time and it’s a slow process, and it’s a change of mind and heart that happens over a long time."

Race is like a zero sum game, Anderson explained. "We always imagine that there’s a limited pie, so we need to try to grab for our share, or more, of it." The phrase, "survival of the fittest" comes to mind with a zero sum game. White privilege, and the denial of it, draws a connection between survival of the fittest and a zero sum game; when someone wins, someone else equally loses. 

Anderson says that the reason he and his family moved to Renton was because it has the sixth-highest diversity rate in Washington; Tukwila won the top spot. 
"There’s something like 80 languages spoken around [Renton] schools," he stated. "Seeing my kids have the chance to go to school and make friendships with kids that are just very different from them; that look very different, that talk differently. That speaks to me of real promise."

He knows there is hope for the future because of this growing diversity. He pointed out one man's own description of himself in the exhibit. This man described himself as someone who looks like everyone in the year 2500. "We're all going to look the same," Anderson said.
Information in this article, originally published Oct. 24, 2013, was corrected Nov. 13, 2013.
A previous version of this story incorrectly stated that Anderson served a pastor of a church (now named) in Atlanta after he attended seminary. He attended the church as a member and later as an intern while attending seminary, but did not serve as its pastor.
Also, the lead incorrectly quoted Anderson. It should read: “It took me a while to figure out why I don’t have a story; and it’s because my story is the dominant story.” 


Oct 21, 2013

When loud and obnoxious is better than darker skin

Today, October 21, on the bus I witnessed the most apparent act of racism I have ever seen in Seattle.  

There was an empty seat near the rear exit of bus 150, and a young black woman had her eye on it. When she sat down, it didn't take long for her to stand up and move further back, to the very rear seats. 

She had immediacy in her steps like something had startled her. I didn't think anything of it, other than maybe the person she sat next to didn't smell all that great, which happens frequently on public transportation.  

Bus 150 on its route from Southcenter Mall.
(Photo by 
Oran Viriyincy)
But then something else happened, a larger black man got on bus 150 and had his eye on the now-vacant seat located near the rear exit. With his bag on one shoulder, it didn't take but three seconds for him to walk away from it and be forced to stand. Why did this man decide to stand instead of sit in this seat? Was it dirty? Again, did the door closing in the back waft an unpleasant scent from the occupier of the adjacent seat?  

I was beginning to think that maybe this person sitting in this seat had a large wound secreting puss or worse. But no, nothing was apparently wrong with this individual, except for the fact that the seat next to him or her was reserved for someone with lighter skin. It wasn't reserved for a friend, it just wasn't available for anyone with a dark complexion.  

It wasn't my speculation that this was true either; other concerned riders questioned the standing man's comment when he looked around the full bus and said "What other seats then?"  

Another rider then repeated what he heard from the black sunglasses that resided in this seat by themselves.  

Imagine in a slightly southern accent, "This seat's taken."  

As an experiment, I wanted to go sit next to this person, to see if they'd let me. Maybe they just hated people in general and wanted a seat to themselves. Maybe it wasn't about race at all, and it was just a coincidence that both rejected from this seat were people of color.  

But I didn't need to, because two white men got on the bus chatting about something insignificant, and I thought "oh please, sit there, sit there." One of them did, and he was probably the most obnoxious of the duo.  

This man, of East-European descent (I could be wrong about this, but this detail is not significant), sat down, not knowing what had occurred prior to his arrival on bus 150. He wasn't rejected like the last two; he was accepted by the stranger in the round, metal-rimmed sunglasses.  

The man proceeded to play a very loud game on his cell phone while carrying on a conversation with his buddy that he walked on with. His obnoxious behavior was more desirable to sit next to than someone with a darker complexion, but who was much quieter.

I didn't have a chance to talk to any of the individuals involved in this act of racism, but I observed enough to write this recollection. This is how I saw and heard the events on that foggy afternoon on bus 150. It was like a strange version of Rosa Parks, except it wasn't a seat in the front of the bus, it was a seat anywhere on the bus.

As this person exited the bus at Southcenter Mall, I did notice that this individual was female, was wearing a long green trench coat, gloves and had long straw-like hair. She was probably in her mid 60s.  

Author's note: Some say I'm making a pretty bold assumption in writing all of this. But this is what I saw, interpret it as you wish. Comment below to weigh in on the conversation.

Oct 9, 2013

Race, a social construction with no biological basis

A little girl feeding ducks at a park. She's wearing white tights. 
Can you tell what her race is? Is she black, white, Asian, etc?
Photo by: Rebecca Gourley
What is race? Is it biological? Can someone tell by looking at our DNA what "race" we are? Yes, it's called the Human Race. But, no, you cannot differentiate between "black," "white," "Asian," etc.

Races, according to the U.S. Census (link currently not working due to government shutdown), are narrow classifications that describe individuals based on their perceived identity. The fact that these descriptors have evolved and changed over time shows that there is so scientific or biological basis for them. The discussion about race has been heating up and here are some examples for your enrichment.

An opinion piece by DeWayne Wickham illustrates the racism that is still in the minds of some people in the U.S. He connects a link between modern day racism and the Affordable Care Act. Suggesting that we are still stuck in this divide between these social classifications shows how far we have yet to go.

Scroll about one-third of the way down this article to see this quote from writer Ta-Nehisi Coates, "...no coherent, fixed definition of race actually exists." The entire article tackles the "Race is a social construct" statement eloquently. Historically, Coates explains, race has been defined in many different ways; in the U.S., not only did southern whites define themselves as a different race from blacks, but also from northern whites.

Continuing to talk about the historical references to race as a social construction, The Dish explains it well with a lecture given by Dr. Charles Mills entitled "Does Race Exist?" (video). Charles Mills is a professor of philosophy at Northwestern University and says "the reality of race is basically a reality that is socially created." He explains how it's political as well as social. To reiterate something from above, Mills says that racial classifications have evolved over time and are different from country to country. If you move, you can probably assume a different race.

Please, feel free to comment below if you would like to weigh in on the topic, and/or if you can tell which "race" the little girl in the picture is.

Oct 6, 2013

Ancestry Trumps Race -- American Mutts

Updated for style October 24, 2013

I didn’t anticipate a lot of surprises before I arrived at the RACE: Are we so different? exhibit. After going through a few displays, however, I was quickly bombarded with a host of emotions. At first, I was shocked by the statistics and data; and then enlightened with the reasons why we have different complexions. It’s not our DNA, it’s the sun, a fact I learned prior to going to this exhibit, but also found it well presented there.

The one image that still resonates with me is a picture of a little girl with her ancestry listed: Japanese, Norwegian and several others. Looking at her image without knowing her ancestry, one would probably classify her as “white” or “Caucasian”. However, once you look at her background, you can see these distinct characteristics that make her unique.

There is just one race, it’s the human race. I thought that before I went into this exhibit and even more so now. Who cares if we look different? Why does it matter that I have really fair skin and someone else has really dark skin? On the census, they could just ask for someone’s heritage and get a rough idea of what they look like. Do we still need these narrow classifications that define us so distinctly?

In the past, I have considered when asked what my race is I would answer “human.” I think that idea is even more relevant now and if you ask me about my ancestry or heritage, this will be a better conversation.

I believe we need to petition to change the structure of the census, and what questions it asks and how close-ended the options are.

I am Norwegian, Danish, German, Irish, Scottish and Swedish; or an American mutt. My fifth great grandfather was a Lord in Scotland and my fifth great grandmother was Lady Margaret Dunn from Ireland in 1758.

One of the displays in the RACE exhibit showing different descriptions used in past censuses.

Mar 12, 2013

Letter to Maria Cantwell

Here's a letter that I wrote to Senator Maria Cantwell as part of a class assignment. I'm considering actually sending it to her.

Dear Senator Maria Cantwell,

I am a registered voter in Washington State; now that I have your attention, I want to discuss something very important with you.

As the subject of nuclear power is heating up in Washington, D.C., I'd like to remind you of another nuclear story that goes back to the '50s.

As you know, you are the Chair for the Subcommittee on Energy; which oversees the RMI (Republic of the Marshall Islands). These little-known islands in the Pacific Ocean have endured so much since the U.S. Government made it a trust territory in 1947. Now, obviously this was before my time, but I feel there is a need to make people aware of just how devastating the U.S. Government's nuclear weapons testing was in the RMI (known at that time simply as the Marshall Islands.)

In March of 1954, the U.S. Government conducted the Bravo test on Bikini Atoll. The subsequent fallout from one of the largest nuclear explosion in the world fell onto communities of Marshallese on other islands.

The U.S. Government claimed that it was an "accident," due to an "unpredicted change of winds." But the documentation later found on the subject and Project 4.1 proves otherwise.

The U.S. Government conducted intentional radiation testing on the Marshallese and their environment without their explicit consent. And like all good politicians, if asked about it, they will have a convoluted and seemingly complex answer for everything. But I believe you can rise above that stereotype that so many of us have in our minds.

I want you to do me two favors. And what happens after that will be the answer to my assertion above that you are better than the rest of the politicians connected to this subject matter. I would like for you to watch one movie and read one book. Seem simple? It is.

Not only am I a registered voter, I am also a third year student at the University of Washington. I have been pursuing a degree in journalism for quite some time because I feel it's going to be the best way for me to reach out to my fellow Americans about issues that should concern them, including the Marshallese.

This quarter I am taking a class on anthropology, specifically the culture of the nuclear bomb and that time period. Not only has it opened up my mind about the world around me, it has also made me think about my long term goals in my chosen career path.

Before this class, I didn't know where the Marshall Islands were or what the significance of the word "Bravo" is to the Marshallese.

But now, thanks to my professor, I have a better understanding of the quantity of immoral and unjustified actions done by my own country. And I know I will forever be thankful that I took her class.

Now, back to my requested favors. The book I would like you to read was written by my professor, Holly Barker. It's entitled Bravo for the Marshallese: Regaining Control in a Post-Nuclear Post-Colonial World. The film I would like you to watch is entitled Nuclear Savage, and was created by an anthropologist as well, Adam Horowitz.

In asking these two favors of you, I only hope that it will help you better understand what the Marshallese are going through. I don't ask that you do anything else. If you would like a copy of the book, I would gladly send it to you.

You're in a position to make an impact and hold people in Washington, D.C. accountable for the actions that our Government made back in 1954 and beyond. You have been passionate about the Hanford cleanup process, now I hope you can show compassion for the people of the RMI.

At the very least, I would hope that you could educate and spread the word about our history in the Marshall Islands. There are so many people that are discriminatory against them for no reason other than they are different-looking. You can make a difference in this modern-day racism.

Thank you for reading,
Rebecca Gourley